Boring Art

I have little interest in boring art. And by boring, I mean an exact depiction of reality. Why should I spend time observing a copy of an apple on a table, a country landscape, or even an academically painted portrait?…
I have little interest in boring art. And by boring, I mean an exact depiction of reality. Why should I spend time observing a copy of an apple on a table, a country landscape, or even an academically painted portrait?…
Here is a wonderful example: “Woman with Sunflowers” by Tania Parchouto. A black-and-white inverted negative, it attempts to return to the basics—rock paintings, children’s drawings. The layering of textures and colors, the interplay of black with tiny islands of high-pitched…
Exactly what they expect from it. I remember opening this painting and being absolutely frozen. I stood in front of it, completely speechless, unable to get enough of the smell of fresh oil paint. The lady in the painting held…