Rubriik Uncategorized @et

Art in Interior

The ultimate pleasure is seeing my sense of beauty and aesthetic taste as a gallerist and curator reflected in my artists’ artworks, now adorning the walls of my international clients. Estonia, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, England, and many others. Still…


After more than 100 years of Abstractionism, there are still people who say, ‘I don’t get abstractions, it’s stupid art, I could do the same…’ Seriously? That’s like hearing a language you don’t understand and dismissing it as stupid. It’s…

How to Read a Painting, or My Personal W.T.F

Here is a wonderful example: “Woman with Sunflowers” by Tania Parchouto. A black-and-white inverted negative, it attempts to return to the basics—rock paintings, children’s drawings. The layering of textures and colors, the interplay of black with tiny islands of high-pitched…

What do people get from art?

Exactly what they expect from it. I remember opening this painting and being absolutely frozen. I stood in front of it, completely speechless, unable to get enough of the smell of fresh oil paint. The lady in the painting held…